Monday, December 14, 2009

I got blogged!

This is the second time a website has used my PBR painting in a blog. Pretty neat.

Check out the blog

I also recently had this painting (and two others) turned into greeting cards:

PBR greeting cards

Liberty Bell greeting cards

City Scene greeting cards

Soul Owl

I'm taking a break from my all-nighter studying session. I've been working on some things.. one is Carl from UP with the Angry Bee; and the other is Snoopy, because my grandmother complained that I don't draw her anything anymore. Once they've been completed, I'll post them.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

20 years of snow

I found some old doodles when I was going through my notes for my intro class. My sister says that I need therapy.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Flames fell into orbit

I don't have a doodle to post because I've done NOTHING all day, buuut, fishy decided to go through my and make comments. I've decided to post them.


Me: What!

the beatles, figured they'd be number one
DEAD MAN'S BONES - what is that?
Blur XD
Why? - - didn't know you liked them that much
She & Him, oy! cuteness
Hayden = he is canadian
Bark Cat Bark - you should ask that guy out!
The National - should i check them out?
Kanye ?!?!?!?!?!? lame
Constantines - rock
Neko - not my bag, but i approve regardless
Wild Beasts - never heard of them
Nurses - ditto
Blood Brothers - nanners
Passion Pit - really?
BBQ Show - yesssss
Animal Collective - not a fan, but feel like i might be one day
Phoenix - - not really fan of the band, dig a few songs a lot
Murder By Death - don't know them well

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Guns don't kill people... lazers do.

I'm almost done my first semester. This is either good or bad. Two things could happen: I'll be so bored I'll just draw a whole lot, or, I'll actually find things to do and won't draw and then have ol' fishy nagging at me.

I drew that stupid dog yesterday while listening to some bad presentations. I make note of the dog being stupid because I don't particularly like him, but I figure since I haven't posted in a couple of days (I just typed dogs, sheesh), I should include that little twit.

I've been thinking of a second tattoo lately, and while it would be of a pre-existing character, I was thinking of adding something to it. Once I doodle it up, I'll be posting it.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Picasso in the Attic

The drawing on the left was inspired by a Picasso print in my parents bedroom. The drawing on the right looks almost exactly like the cover of A Light In the Attic, but I don't remember if that was the intentional or not.

From November of 1997.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The ides of Smartch

This spread is also from a semi-fertile period in September of 1997. I was starting my senior year of college, and my design program tended to put the seniors on a bigger pedestal than they deserved, and as such I was feeling a bit of inflated ego. I was also for the first time in a few years taking fine arts classes that I cared about, and these two facts helped put a fire in my creative output.

The left page has the words "ide" written in a font I had created. The right page is white paint and black pen on a page from a Delaware phone book. I should probably hold on to my phone books for art purposes, for they might stop existing in a few years.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

An Imagined Still Life

This drawing is from September of 1997. The pitcher or what have you on the left is from a magazine, and I liked the way the colors of the found image interacted with the still life on the right. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that the still life was done from my imagination and not from an actual still life setup.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Self Portrait and a golf score card.

A self portrait that my Canadian co-blogger might appreciate. Based on surrounding pages I'd guess this was drawn July of 1997.

Yeah, you can try, but I've found the antidote; music is the cure

Honestly, the only part of school I'm currently enjoying is the amount of doodles I'm... doodlin' up. School = booo, doodles = wooo.

Also, I really like Calvin and Hobbes.

Walk Slow, Think Quick!

I've decided that I'm going to use this blog to photograph spreads from various notebooks and journals. This is the first of those. These pages were not dated, but based on surrounding dated pages I'd estimate it's roughly from November of 2000.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Oh hey, I hate Zach Braff

I mean, good lord, look at that MOUTH.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Keep it goin' louder

I drew this on Monday and forgot to post it with the rest of the doodles yesterday. I was sitting in class, bored out of my mind (surprise!) and decided to draw two of my favourite little dudes. I realized that I had drawn them looking like they were talking, so I added "you have a fat head", which didn't solve the problem of peanut butter looking like he was talking. I tried to think of something and got distracted thinking about Moon, which I had seen on Sunday. So, here we are.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

You have cured a million ghosts from roaming in my head

I was sitting in class today and had a song stuck in my head that just refused to go away. It just kept repeating and repeating, probably since I was so bored. So, I started to doodle. Once other lyrics came to mind, I started to doodle even more. This is what got me through the day. Perhaps I'll do more, they were quite fun.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Man, we suck

I got a new computer in the summer. Since I haven't been able to find the disc for my scanner, I can't scan anything (cause I packed my crappy old computer in the basement. Take THAT).

ANYWAY! I've been focusing more on my photos lately, rather than my drawings. I will be doing a children's book for a class assignment shortly, however, it won't be of interest to anyone outside of my teacher.

So, while I'm in this rut, here's some of my recent photos. I'll try to keep updating this, even if it is just pictures of random things that I come across. I'll also bug my Philly pal to post more, since he has such amazing art to show.

More can be found here:

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pabst Blue Ribbon

new drawing added to my etsy page

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cover my eyes

I've been watching a lot of Six Feet Under lately. Whenever I feel that I'm approaching that weird place again, I watch SFU and it really puts things back into perspective. On top of that, I find it really inspiring, because of how big of a role art plays in the show.

On top of that, it has caused me to think about what people mean to me and how I see them and as a result, I was inspired to draw this. It's different from what I usually do; I think I'm headed down a new path.

Friday, June 12, 2009

she's a lot like you, the dangerous type

I've always really liked Little Red Riding Hood. I pulled for her in Fables, but, oh well. Anyway, I was thinking of different ways to decorate a room and came up with an idea - which I will not share - and was inspired to draw this.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Building a Building!

I've posted some new images to my etsy store

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

worth of your esteem

Memories, eh Scott?

Better than Sunday

I was cleaning today and came across some old pictures of the Angry Bee and decided to post them.

I don't know if you can tell, but I really hated my job.

We had this inside joke at work that pertained to Tobey Maguire. He was on the cover of this magazine the one month and I tore it off and pinned it to a work station to make it look like Tobey was peeping at the person on the other side. So, I drew him doing that to the Angry Bee.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Basket Case

So, I drew the Batman. I recently read the killing joke and the cover is amazing. I did this a week or two ago, but I don't spend as much time at my computer anymore.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Rave On

I've been really horrible for posting things... deal with it. No, seriously, I'm going to try to work on it, mostly because it's pretty calming for me to draw and I really should do it more. ANYWAYS, I've been reading a lot as of late and finally got around to getting caught up with Fables - the trades, not the singles - and drew this. It's still pretty rough, but I'm not sure what else I'll be doing to it, if anything.

I've been reading Batman comics and I'm thinking of attempting to draw him next.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My bad

I'm terrible at posting. Here's a picture I drew yesterday.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Friday, March 27, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Safe from harm

As promised, more Nile.

So I haven't been drawing much

...or at all really, and I thought I would post a picture I took over the weekend instead because I am much better at photography. :)

I was taking pictures in my bedroom mirror and realized that I was reflecting in the doorknob.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Black cactus killer

Ohhhhhh, I also have forgotten to post more from the school comic I did.. so here's what I owe (none of them are coloured, still, sorrrrrry).

amputation is safer

Cari, Scott, and myself have decided to do a children's book. It'll contain The Angry Bee and Nile. I won't disclose everything at this point, but here's a rough sketch of the characters that we've talked about so far.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Cellphones are annoying

I found this old drawing today, and it reminded me of something Melissa might draw.