Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pabst Blue Ribbon

new drawing added to my etsy page

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cover my eyes

I've been watching a lot of Six Feet Under lately. Whenever I feel that I'm approaching that weird place again, I watch SFU and it really puts things back into perspective. On top of that, I find it really inspiring, because of how big of a role art plays in the show.

On top of that, it has caused me to think about what people mean to me and how I see them and as a result, I was inspired to draw this. It's different from what I usually do; I think I'm headed down a new path.

Friday, June 12, 2009

she's a lot like you, the dangerous type

I've always really liked Little Red Riding Hood. I pulled for her in Fables, but, oh well. Anyway, I was thinking of different ways to decorate a room and came up with an idea - which I will not share - and was inspired to draw this.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Building a Building!

I've posted some new images to my etsy store