Monday, December 14, 2009

I got blogged!

This is the second time a website has used my PBR painting in a blog. Pretty neat.

Check out the blog

I also recently had this painting (and two others) turned into greeting cards:

PBR greeting cards

Liberty Bell greeting cards

City Scene greeting cards

Soul Owl

I'm taking a break from my all-nighter studying session. I've been working on some things.. one is Carl from UP with the Angry Bee; and the other is Snoopy, because my grandmother complained that I don't draw her anything anymore. Once they've been completed, I'll post them.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

20 years of snow

I found some old doodles when I was going through my notes for my intro class. My sister says that I need therapy.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Flames fell into orbit

I don't have a doodle to post because I've done NOTHING all day, buuut, fishy decided to go through my and make comments. I've decided to post them.


Me: What!

the beatles, figured they'd be number one
DEAD MAN'S BONES - what is that?
Blur XD
Why? - - didn't know you liked them that much
She & Him, oy! cuteness
Hayden = he is canadian
Bark Cat Bark - you should ask that guy out!
The National - should i check them out?
Kanye ?!?!?!?!?!? lame
Constantines - rock
Neko - not my bag, but i approve regardless
Wild Beasts - never heard of them
Nurses - ditto
Blood Brothers - nanners
Passion Pit - really?
BBQ Show - yesssss
Animal Collective - not a fan, but feel like i might be one day
Phoenix - - not really fan of the band, dig a few songs a lot
Murder By Death - don't know them well

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Guns don't kill people... lazers do.

I'm almost done my first semester. This is either good or bad. Two things could happen: I'll be so bored I'll just draw a whole lot, or, I'll actually find things to do and won't draw and then have ol' fishy nagging at me.

I drew that stupid dog yesterday while listening to some bad presentations. I make note of the dog being stupid because I don't particularly like him, but I figure since I haven't posted in a couple of days (I just typed dogs, sheesh), I should include that little twit.

I've been thinking of a second tattoo lately, and while it would be of a pre-existing character, I was thinking of adding something to it. Once I doodle it up, I'll be posting it.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Picasso in the Attic

The drawing on the left was inspired by a Picasso print in my parents bedroom. The drawing on the right looks almost exactly like the cover of A Light In the Attic, but I don't remember if that was the intentional or not.

From November of 1997.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The ides of Smartch

This spread is also from a semi-fertile period in September of 1997. I was starting my senior year of college, and my design program tended to put the seniors on a bigger pedestal than they deserved, and as such I was feeling a bit of inflated ego. I was also for the first time in a few years taking fine arts classes that I cared about, and these two facts helped put a fire in my creative output.

The left page has the words "ide" written in a font I had created. The right page is white paint and black pen on a page from a Delaware phone book. I should probably hold on to my phone books for art purposes, for they might stop existing in a few years.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

An Imagined Still Life

This drawing is from September of 1997. The pitcher or what have you on the left is from a magazine, and I liked the way the colors of the found image interacted with the still life on the right. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that the still life was done from my imagination and not from an actual still life setup.